I. Building excellence in science: Marine research and observations for climate, ecosystem functioning, marine safety and security
1.1 Climate changes, assessment, forecasting and adaptation
1.2 Understanding, modeling and forecasting of ecosystem functioning
1.3 Excellence in observations, services and data management
1.4 Natural Hazards, risk assessment and vulnerability
1.5 Boosting innovation and filling gaps in marine research infrastructure
II. Applying knowledge for societal benefit: Achieving marine resources and ecosystem management and sustainability
2.1 Good environmental status - science and policy challenges
2.2 Marine and costal biodiversity including genomics and invasive species
2.3 The present and the future of Marine Protected Areas and networks
2.4 Marine living resources, sustainable fishery and aquaculture
2.5 Observations, services, data management and GIS for serving society
2.6 Marine mineral resources, gas hydrate
2.7 Renewable energy development
III. Better society and competitive marine industries: Improving governance, management and building capacities
3.1 Marine spatial planning for sustainable development of marine environment
3.2 Coastal zone management, coastal landscape planning legislation
3.3 Policy and science for designation and management of Marine Protected Areas
3.4 Environmental Education and Economy
3.5 Tourism and Eco-tourism
3.6 Environmental Pollution
3.7 Public health, food safety and public awareness